Monday, March 30, 2009

STSADM import/export

MOSS:Back up and Restore Site Collection / Sites Using STSADM Utility Export / Import

STSADM.EXE utility export and import operations are used to backup and restore site collections and sites. These operations are limited to site collections and sites only.  

STSADM.EXE is usually located at “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN”. No GUI interface for the STSADM utility is available. The old and trusted command line is used for the utility. 

The backup contains library content, list content, navigation, user information, security settings, personalize settings like views and content types and customization but does not contain alerts, workflows and properties.  


For backup, we use export operation which has the following syntax: 

stsadm -o export 

-url <URL name>

-filename <export file name>






[-versions] <1-4>

[-cabsize] <integer value>



Parameter Description
url URL of the site collection / site
filename Name of the backup file
overwrite Overwrite the already existed backup file
includeusersecurity Maintain the security settings
haltonwarning Stop the export operation when a warning occur
haltonfatalerror Stop the export operation when an error occur
nologfile No log file will be generated at the end of the export operation.
versions Values ranges from 1 to 41-          Default value, last major versions of the files and list items included.2-          The current version, either the major or the last minor version included.3-           Last major and last minor version of the files and list items included.4-          All versions of the files and list items included.
cabsize Value ranges from 1 to 1024. set the total size of cabinet file. Once  size limit is reached, another cabinet file is created.
nofilecompression Disable file compression. If compression is allowed, export operation can increase by 30%
quiet Export operation information will not be displayed and operation will end with success message.

The command that I use to run is  

stsadm –o export –url htpp://URL –filename E:\backup\ –includeusersecurity –versions 4 –cabsize 1024 –nofilecompression  

This command will create a directory 


First you have to create an empty website to restore. This can be done using Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007.

For this, open Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 and move from File menu to New and click on Web Site. In the New Dialog box, select Web Site tab, then select General and then Empty Web Site. Give the desired URL  in the text box at the bottom of the dialog box and click OK. Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 will create a new empty web site.  

To restore, we use import operation which has the following syntax: 

stsadm -o import

-url <URL name>

-filename <import file name>





[-updateversions] <1-3>



Parameter Description
url URL of the site
filename Name of the restore file
includeusersecurity Maintain the security settings
haltonwarning Stop the export operation when a warning occur
haltonfatalerror Stop the export operation when an error occur
nologfile No log file will be generated at the end of the export operation.
updatversions Values ranges from 1 to 31       Default value, will add new version to the current file.2        Overwrite the file and all of its versions.3       Ignore the file if it exists of the destination.
nofilecompression Either enables or disables file compression in the import package. The import package is stored in the folder specified by the -filename parameter. It is recommended to use this parameter for performance reasons. If compression is enabled, it can increase the import process by approximately 30%.
quiet Export operation information will not be displayed and operation will end with success message.

The command that I use to run is  

stsadm –o import –url htpp://URL –filename E:\backup\ –includeusersecurity –updateversions 3  –nofilecompression  


Error occurred while exporting the web http://site URL

Access is denied.(Eception from RESULT:0×8007005(E_ACCESSDENIED)) 


You are not the administrator of the site collection. 


Add yourself as site administrator. For this, open SharePoint Central Administration. Move from “Application Management” to “Site collection administrators” under  “SharePoint Site Management”. Add yourself as administrator in the appropriate site collection.

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